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Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Study Topic 5 Valuing your customers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Study Topic 5 Valuing your clients - Essay Example ies need to offer types of assistance that compare to the requirements of their clients by disposing of the holes between what the clients gets and what they expect (Rhys, Oakley, Power, and Sinka 2008). Subsequently, the most fundamental idea in valuation of clients is the organization’s ability to gauge, foresee, and impact the business estimation of their clients (Soman and N-Marandi 2010). This paper is a conversation of how Halo Leisure, oversees game and wellness offices for the district of Herefordshire in England. They esteem their clients and this gives them a preferred position over different wellness and game associations in the nation. Moreover, the paper traces the measures that could be taken to improve the fulfillment of individuals in a games club. The client care issues tended to in the paper incorporate statistical surveying and input, the customers’ desires and encounters, the shortages on help, consumer loyalty, and maintenance. Statistical surveying is utilized by associations to advise them regarding the most suitable techniques or approaches to achieve their points by offering their administrations as per the desires for the clients. As indicated by Bolton and Tarasi (n.d), improved client care in associations is planned for expanding the incomes, the estimation of the investors, and net revenues utilizing certain advertising exercises, for example, promoting research. In this manner, the associations need to, basically, comprehend the estimation of their clients, which the associations gets from them and that which the associations presents to them (Njenga 2010). Accordingly, Halo Leisure utilizes the statistical surveying and input to draw in more clients by conveying administrations that live up to their desires. For example, Jon Arget, CEO Halo Leisure, expresses that the impressive increment in development and advancement of an association is credited to the progressions executed in the association a s indicated by the necessities and needs of clients in certain client care components. He avows
Friday, August 21, 2020
Environmental Management Systems
Natural Management Systems Will Environmental Management Systems and partners Environmental Reporting activities help the idea of Sustainable Development in application? The International Organization forStandardization (ISO) is a league of non-legislative associations (NGOs)created to expound and improve worldwide guidelines. The ISO initiallycreated general administration measures (the ISO 9000 Series) for organizationsand businesses that recognized the estimation of a deliberate methodology tomanagement. In any case, as financial development and nature have frequently been inconflict with one and other (and businesses today face numerous political, socialand monetary weights to improve their ecological exhibition Gale, 1996)the ISO further built up the 14000 Series, which applied the equivalent managementsystem as the 9000 Series to organizations natural issues (The LexingtonGroup, 2005: 5). The standards behind the ISO 14000 Series apply to any association, open or private, whose exercises, items or administrations interface straightforwardly or in a roundabout way with the earth (The Lexington Group, 2005). The ISO 14000 Series immediately turned into the ecological approach standard for organizations to follow, and since its foundation in 1996 a great many associations have received the Environmental Management Systems (EMSs). EMSs are utilized in the general population and private fields, at all scales, from national to neighborhood government, and from huge global organizations to little exclusive organizations. This article will talk about if, and towhat degree, EMSs (and explicitly the Environmental Reporting subsidiary)will help the idea of supportable improvement in application. This paper isstructured as follows: first, it examines the most significant of the ISO 14000standards, the EMS; second, it considers another ISO 14000 component,Environmental Reporting; third, it examinations and thinks about the factors andapplication of feasible turn of events; fourth, it goes to a couple of case studiesto delineate how EMSs work practically speaking; lastly, it draws some conclusionsabout how compelling these guidelines are in helping the idea of sustainabledevelopment. Natural Management Systems As talked about in the Introduction,the ISO 14000 Series was created to apply the ISOs generally recognizedmanagement frameworks to a companys natural issues (The Lexington Group,2005). The EMS, or ISO standard 14001, immediately turned into the internationallyrecognized structure for natural administration, estimation, assessment andauditing (GreenBiz, 2005: 1). To list a couple of models, the duties ofthe EMS include: making a point by point natural arrangement for an organization,examining the ecological effect of its items, exercises and services,establishing ecological goals, helping the association in meetingits legitimate and administrative necessities, giving preparing to workers, andoverseeing the companys reviewing strategy. The EMS satisfies global guidelines, however is custom-made to explicit tasks, permitting organizations to control the natural effect of their exercises, items, and administrations (GreenBiz, 2005: 1). In spite of the fact that an association could, ofcourse, build up these very rules and parameters themselves, companiesoften find that ISO 14001 adherencehelps to fulfill the ever-increasingenvironmental guidelines and worries of the worldwide commercial center (GreenBiz,2005:1). Other likely advantages for an organization adequately executing an EMSare various and incorporate, among others: . â â â â â â a increasingly viable and efficient way to deal with overseeing itsinteractions with the earth (The Lexington Group, 2005); . â â â â â â improving cost-viability (by setting aside the cash and staff timenecessary to oversee natural undertakings freely The Lexington Group,2005, just as by improving productivity and thusly diminishing the expenses ofenergy, materials, fine and punishments Morrow and Rondinelli, 2002:162); . â â â â â â allowing organizations to pass on their natural strategies moreeffectively to neighboring networks and different partners (The LexingtonGroup, 2005); . â â â â â â and improving their picture and drawing in clients through theestablishment of a solid picture of corporate duty (Morrow andRondinelli, 2002: 163). These advantages, of course,increase the probability that organizations will help add to sustainabledevelopment. Notwithstanding, the expense and advantages of an EMS (and thus, theprobability that the EMS will assume a job in manageable turn of events) fluctuateconsiderably relying upon a scope of rules. These might include: the sort oforganization, its current eco-efficiency,the associations potential ecological effects or dangers, the degree towhich an organization recently executed parts of natural sustainability,and the premium set on maintainability by the associations partners andcustomers (The Lexington Group, 2005). While this area has sketched out EMSs and their potential beneifts, the accompanying segment will talk about Environmental Reporting, its affiliation and effect on EMS, and its commitment to the reasonable advancement of associations. Ecological Reporting Corporate revealing is an essentialcomponent of business the executives. It is characterized as the deliberate publicpresentation of data about an associations non-budgetary execution - natural, social and monetary over a predetermined period, as a rule afinancial year (Department of Environment and Heritage, 2005: 1). These can bemade open in an assortment of ways, including as an independent record, on a companywebsite, or as a part of an Annual Report (Department of Environment andHeritage, 2005). An Environmental Report is a key segment of the ISO 14000 Series, and a basic advance to expanding straightforwardness and, therefore, responsibility in a companys ecological practices (Department of Environment and Heritage, 2005). The act of Environmental Reporting is turning out to be increasingly regular as a result of weight from partners, just as an overall population interest for expanded receptiveness on natural issues (Kolk, 1999). Further, a few nations have now started to force legitimate commitments on firms to deliver Environmental Reports (Kolk, 1999). A Corporate Environmental Report(CER) is, basically, a way to bestowing a companys natural performance.Arguably, the most significant capacity of the CER is to permit the organizationto assess its recognition of the ecological arrangements, objectives and objectivesset out in its EMS (United Nations Environment Program, 2005). It is alsoused to: display a companys EMS and corporate obligation; exhibit tokey partners, just as to clients, that it is conforming to theirdemands; help an organization track its own advance and distinguish interior strengthand shortcomings (United Nations Environment Program, 2005); and assess itscurrent execution and set further future objectives. The general cultural interest for expanded straightforwardness on ecological issues, and thus natural revealing, is exemplified by the way that the most complete reports are distributed by businesses with poor or dubious open pictures, i.e., the compound or timber enterprises (Davis-Walling and Batterman, 1997). In inasmuch as there is objectivityand trustworthiness, ecological detailing can be directed either inside orexternally (Rice, 2005). Obviously, for ecological answering to beworthwhile, it must be sound, and there is expanding pressure from twospecific headings to confirm natural reports: first, there is asignificant move from ecological articulations and aims to quantified,comparable, evident, and even checked data (Kolk, 1999: 225); andsecond, the prerequisite of free, outsider confirmation andcertification as a nearly anticipated component of each advantageous effort(Rice, 2005: 1). In spite of the fact that Environmental Reporting hasa huge task to carry out in helping the drawn out maintainability of an organization,it is in any case a procedure tormented with issues. Research appears to indicatethat natural announcing is normally inadequate and not of a standard tosatisfy the data needs of different classes of report perusers (Deegan andRankin, 1999). An autonomous investigation of the natural reports of the Fortune50 firms found that none given data that was adequate forcomprehensive or similar examinations of ecological performance(Davis-Walling and Batterman, 1997: 1432). Research recommends that one of thebiggest issues is that an organization can start its ecological reportingwhenever it needs, and this frequently prompts disillusioning outcomes. Natural Reporting, then,typically precedes the EMS, and could along these lines just go about as an announcement ofobjectives, and not the looked into and broke down report on the accomplishment ofenvironmental goals under an EMS that its intended to be. To be practicaland adequate (and not just an announcement of natural policies)environmental revealing should be grown further along theimplementation of the ISO 14000 Series. Furthermore, it ought to be a continuousprocess, and alluded back to over and over trying to unite theEMS and successfully break down the organizations progress. This sequence bolsters the ISOspecification that associations look for persistent improvement: bycontinually announcing, rather than giving a coincidental beginning report,organizations can over and over assess and adjust their EMS. Generally, it isimportant to underline that the CER is a way to natural improvement andgreater responsibility, not an end in itself (United Nations EnvironmentProgramme, 2005: 1). Thought of the factors and use of Sustainable Development The term Sustainable Developmentwas first utilized in 1987 in Our Common Future, otherwise called theBrundtland Report of the United
Pediatric Nurse Practive Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Pediatric Nurse Practive - Assignment Example Watchword: Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP), Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (PNPs) Nurse Practitioner (NP). Authentic Background and Certification Requirements Pediatric Nurse Practice (PNP) alludes, the act of nursing worried about babies, kids and young people together with their families giving wellbeing advancement, ailment the executives and wellbeing reclamation over the whole social insurance range (Tylor as refered to in eHow, 2011). It requires information on both kid improvement and the physiological distinction among kids and grown-ups. PNP is additionally family focused requiring the acknowledgment of the fundamental job that the family plays in kids lives, development and improvement which ought to be reflected in the children’s care at whatever point they are sick. It includes community oriented organization among families and human services experts based on regard and installed in the families’ qualities, decisions and qualities (Tylor, 2006). Pediatric medical caretakers additionally endeavors to give attramautic care so as to kill or limit the physiologic and physical pain experienced by youngsters and their families in the social insurance framework. Pediatric medical attendants may work in numerous jobs that incorporate direct parental figure, instructor, advisor, expert, advocate, care facilitator, or wellbeing frameworks chief (Tylor, 2006). They additionally function as scientists or pediatric clinical medical attendant experts. Pediatric medical caretakers may rehearse in numerous areas, for example, homes, centers, emergency clinics, long haul care offices and schools (Schachtel, 2008). The opening of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (the first children’s medical clinic in the U.S) in Pennsylvania in 1855 shaped the foundation whereupon the strength of pediatric nursing created (Tylor, 2006). In pioneer America, most kids were conveyed by the assistance of maternity specialists and treated with people medication. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia objective was to give incredible medicinal services and lessen kid mortality. Other kids medical clinics were later settled in various areas in any case, none would concede kids with transferable infections in light of high mortality. In 1895, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia started to concede kids. It additionally began its own nursing school around the same time (Tylor, 2006). The methodology empowered the emergency clinic to hoard proficient staff that gave the degree of care, instruction, perception and appraisal that the youngsters and their families required. Some private obligation medical caretakers of the emergency clinic had practical experience in care of kids. With administrations for medical attendants progressively required, what followed was an enlivening in the nursing practice. The order on the 1917 standard educational program for nursing schools to expand some definite points with respect to pediatrics and the Rockefeller Foundation production in 1923 (Nursing and Nursing instruction in USA), for the most part affected decidedly on the pediatric nursing forte and the nursing calling all in all (Tylor,2006). Afterward, in the century pediatric nursing moved to cutting edge degrees and propelled practice. It isn't surprising that, the primary medical attendant professionals were pediatric attendant experts. The individuals who try to become Pediatric Nurse Practitioners in the U.S have different choices. So as to fill in as Pediatric medical caretakers, understudies should initially become Registered Nurses (RN)†¦An RN might be accomplished through clinics or instructive foundations (PNERCI, 2011). The coursework may contrast however moves on from these projects
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Current Events Essay Topics That You Should Know
Current Events Essay Topics That You Should KnowMany students who are planning on earning their college degree this year are required to write a current events essay for their course. The assignments in college, whether it is a humanities class or a statistics class, should be able to examine the issues of the day and present opposing opinions. This is required for passing the course. In fact, the grading structure will most likely state that a college student needs to pass at least one current events essay in order to graduate.Of course, if you are writing a history or humanities essay you will be expected to write about the past, present, and future with regards to current events such as immigration, global warming, crime, and more. The questions of the essay will vary depending on the topic. Students must understand the past, present, and future of current events in order to write an effective essay. Following are some of the best current events essay topics.Global warming - As th e world's population continues to grow, the life line of the earth continues to dry up. Lifeline is a term referring to how many years a species has existed. The last life line was an ancient era that went extinct long ago. The world is now facing a life line that is at risk of becoming dry up in the very near future. This is a subject that requires plenty of explanation, so make sure you're willing to explain your opinions with facts.Immigration - This is a common problem throughout the United States. Though there are people from different countries immigrating to America, most Americans see immigrants as invaders and have a variety of feelings towards them. Make sure you can use facts to show why immigrants should be allowed into America.Crime - Crime is a major problem throughout the world. Some countries need to improve how they protect their citizens from crime. But, crime has a place in our society, too. Crime is also a problem that the United States should be trying to addres s, and yet, the country is a little bit divided on this issue.Education - This is another one of the best current events essay topics for a college student. There is a wide range of topics that can be used for this category, including education in public schools, and why parents are not spending enough time with their children. In addition, students must also prove why education is a good thing, and whether or not it is not being given to students. In addition, students must be able to discuss and debate issues that impact education in America today.Society - This is one of the most topical topics of all because everyone experiences society changes. Individuals change because of the changes in society, too. Society is a big issue that college students must be able to discuss and debate with ease.These are just a few of the best current events essay topics for college students to look at when they want to write an essay that is educational, informative, and engaging. Writing an infor mative and interesting essay will help your grade.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Barack Obamas practice opposite to Machiavelli - Free Essay Example
One of the most controversial people, Niccollo Machiavelli, created a political theory in which the main idea was that any means necessary should be used to remain in power. Machiavellian leadership is described in depth in Machiavellis influential book Il Principe which has since been interpreted, translated, and rewritten into a modern English version The Prince. Although the book was originally written in the early sixteenth century as advice for politicians and kings the ideals and concepts are still applicable to modern day politicians and governments. One of the united states most recent presidents Barack Obama often demonstrated practices opposite to that of Machiavelli although occasionally one could argue similarities between their political views. Niccol Machiavelli is responsible for phrases youll often here regarding the political environment. During his life Machiavelli was immersed in the political culture of his time, towards the end of his life Machiavelli started writing about the way he believed politicians should act, essentially regarding the reasons to act as a immoral leader whos only focus is being as powerful as possible. His book the prince can be interpreted as metaphors that guide politicians which are all still absolutely still applicable to modern politics. Barack Obama served as the 44th President of the United States. He is well known for being the first African American President. He was grew up in a middle class upbringing but worked hard and made his way to Harvard. Obama understood the racist climate that he existed in at a young age but was over to overcome this by working hard in school. Obama grew up most of his life without a father figure. Former president Obama was first elected in 2008 and then elected in 2012 serving an eight year term. Considered his greatest domestic achievement Obama care provided affordable healthcare for millions without coverage. He is also well known for the raid that killed terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden. Some of his other accomplishments include raising minimum wage, stimulating the auto industry, and jumpstarting the economy through the signing of the Recovery Act. Machiavellian intelligence refers to the understanding and following of Machiavellis political inquiries, people with Machiavellian intelligence are often described with tendencies to be unemotional, detached from the basis of conventional morality and therefor manipulative and deceiving. Obama was emotional throughout his eight year term on multiple occasions, seen crying during The Sandy Hook school Massacre and during The introduction of new gun laws into the US which has been reported as one of Obamas biggest frustrations during his presidency as well on many other occasions. As Machiavelli wrote The Vulgar crowd always is taken by appearances. And the world consists chiefly of the vulgar. With a belief that most of the world has a lack of sophistication which is why as a politician it is important to remain refined. Ways politicians have presented themselves has a direct relationship with Polls. And as the US first black president in a predominantly white America president Obama overcame these precedents first by his election and continuing by his ability to appear as a human instead of an emotionless politician. Although the book was written 500 years ago theres still connections to our modern day political system, for example a quote pulled from The Prince, distrust mercenaries and auxiliaries has a direct meaning to the time it was written it also contains an underlying rule applicable to today to make sure the people below you are either loyal or dependent on you. This is to prevent employees from having opposing views and to make sure that no one has any reason to act against you. Obama did the opposite, Hillary Clinton a political opponent to President Obama who lost against him in the primary election of 2008 was appointed as Secretary of State by President Obama. Obama did this in order to have discussion with an understanding that he is not always right and that discussion is beneficial. An example of following this Machiavellian view is President Trump and his well known youre fired which hes used on multiple occasions simply because someone disagrees with him. A Machiavellian leade r understands that It is safer to be feared than to be loved but president Obama understands that in no way is it more beneficial. Machiavellian practices included immoral practices such as delegating blame to people who are not at fault. Machiavelli writes Princes must delegate difficult tasks to others, and keep popular ones for themselves Donald Trump often does this when something goes wrong he gives people someone to blame other than himself. Its a common theme among presidents to blame their predecessors for problems with the economy. Barack Obama is not innocent from this, never calling out people by name but often addressing problems with we inherited, arguably there is no way avoid this, as the problems had to come from somewhere, its the actions afterwards that say a lot about a political leader, whether they continue to blame people for the problems or if they fix them as soon as possible. Another issue is when a president makes decisions that worsen the political environment but chooses to place blame on someone other than themselves in order to ignore the problem. It is understood from Machiavellis prince that as a political leader the most important person is you. Obama did not feel this way, in-fact one of Obamas main goals throughout his service for the United States was aiding minorities and the poorer ninety percent of America. Machiavelli once said Politics have no relation to morals his methodology was unforgiving unlike President Obama who throughout his presidency was a polite, kind leader, that no doubt put his country before himself. Machiavelli understood that one can not remain in power with strictly honesty. Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good. Hence a prince who wants to keep his authority must learn not to be good, and use that knowledge or refrain from using it a necessity requires. As mark twain once said An honest politician is an oxymoron. Obama often called upon hope during his campaigning which wasnt really an answer to a lot of the questions at hand at the time. Which isnt really lying but it isnt really telling the truth either. It allowed for Obama to gain political trust from the people of the united states without losing undecided voters to contradicting political views. A famous saying The end justifies the means stemmed from Machiavellian practices. Does a good outcome excuse wrongs committed to attain it? Of course this depends on who youre asking and what wrongs were committed. Most political candidates hope that the sacrifices they make are worth the outcome. A controversial topic during president Obamas term was the Keystone Pipeline, he rejected the plan losing thousands of jobs but in the end made a decision that would have protected the United States environment, only to have it built right away by the next president Donald Trump. Depending on who you ask, some people will argue that the economic profits of building the pipeline out weigh the endangering of many species of animals, polluted water, sacred land taken away from Native Americans, the millions of years that the warming climate will take off of earths life and others will argue the exact opposite. For a politician to stay in office they have to at least be a little Machiavellian as some aspects that Machiavelli wrote about apply generally to being in-charge. That being said, yes Obama has made decisions that could be viewed from a Machiavellian point of view but viewing Former President Obama from an overall perspective is not Machiavellian. He cares for the overall well being of his country over his political position, proving this through his accomplishment of Obama care. Machiavellians are willing to be immoral to maintain power. Obama is not an egotistic, power hungry political leader. In the modern day political climate it is unrealistic to succeed as an immoral Machiavellian political leader due to the media coverage of politicians lives swell as the progressive population of the United States of America. Former president Obama may have practiced Machiavellian strategies during his eight year term but is by no means significantly comparable to Niccollo Machiavellis un et hical way of ruling. During Obamas eight year term as the President of the United States of America He was morally the opposite of Niccollo Machiavelli. President Obama was not Machiavellian. The political environment that he served in a Machiavellian leader would not survive. Obama was conventionally moral, did not rely on fear to hold a position of power, put trust in his political opponents by appointing Hilary Clinton, made decisions that benefited the country solely for the purpose of benefiting the country and not himself, did not pull any stunts that wrongfully put other people lives at risk, and overall did not have a main goal of becoming the most powerful by any means. https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents/barack-obama/ https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/01/impact-keystone-dakota-access-pipeline-environment-global-warming-oil-health/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/38582921/seven-times-barack-obama-cried-during-an-emotional-eight-years https://philosiblog.com/2012/05/05/the-vulgar-crowd-always-is-taken-by-appearances-and-the-world-consists-chiefly-of-the-vulgar/ https://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/12/us/politics/12memo.html https://www.britannica.com/biography/Niccolo-Machiavelli https://www.aol.com/article/2016/08/04/10-of-obamas-greatest-accomplishments/21444467/
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Modernism in Architecture - 614 Words
Throughout history there have been many styles of architecture such as Greek, Roman, and Gothic which were designed to be suitable and representative to their time periods. As architecture moved towards a more secular epoch and away from the romance and traditions of earlier epochs, modernism became the new style (Rohe, 246). With the rise of this new style people began to wonder how modern architecture should be designed and whether older epochs should be used as precedents. In The Artless Word: Mies van der Rohe on the Building Art, Mies van der Rohe describes how modern architecture should be designed based on the present epoch, be true to its purpose, and make use of modern technology. The significance of earlier architecture is that the buildings by nature are impersonal works of entire eras (Rohe, 245). These buildings are pure representatives of the earlier epochs that symbolize the culture and style of the era. â€Å"All building art arises out of its own epoch and can only manifest itself in addressing vital tasks with the means of its own time†(245). The romance and traditions of past epochs have become meaningless in the modern age. For example, symbolism through grand embellishments which were once the noblest function of fine art and consider great components of architecture have become tasteless (Gropius, 49). â€Å"Modern building art refuses to play a mere decorative role in our life†and want to leave the aesthetic traditions of the past (Rohe, 241). Therefore, inShow MoreRelatedModernism And Its Impact On Art And Architecture1536 Words  | 7 Pages†¢ Modernism in oxford dictionary is defined as â€Å"A style or movement in the arts that aims to depart significantly from classical and traditional forms.†While this explanation defines modernism in design and architecture very clearly, roots of modernism are deeper. The movement of modernism has affected arts and design forever. Modernism was a start for designe rs to move forward and start making necessary changes to their pieces. As discussed before during the module a design needs to be functionalRead More Post Modernism and Architecture Essay1181 Words  | 5 PagesPost Modernism and Architecture If one were to walk around and casually ask five people what post modernism was they would probably get five different answers or none at all. It is one of those indefinable academic terms that applies to many different fields of study. 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The age of enlightenment used God, modernists used technology, postmodernismRead MoreModernism Movement : High And Low Modernism1277 Words  | 6 Pagesthe exploration of Modernism movement: High and Low Modernism. World War I not only stimulated rapid advances in human technologies but also aroused new radical approaches to the political, industrial and social world. As consequences to these approaches, the ideology for â€Å"history and tradition†had been crucially challenged. Modernism is a movement with collections for activities and creations that explicitly rejecting the existed â€Å"traditional†thinkings of society, architecture, literature and artRead MoreModernism And Modernism : Postmodernism And Postmodernism1632 Words  | 7 PagesModernism is what most people describe as what came before postmodernism. 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(http://australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/modernism) This article, however, will be focusing on Australia’s development of Modernity, Modernisation and Modernism between the inter-war period of 1919 to 1939. With an everRead MoreComparing Mies Van Der Rohe Vs. Robert Venturi1316 Words  | 6 Pageshas become a legend and a contradiction. One of them (Mies Van Der Rohe), the creator of a quote that describes his unique way of seeing structures, Less is more. The other is totally the opposite; Robert Venturi is an architect that has taken architecture in his own way, and also created his own quote, â€Å"Less is Bore, to contradict the one mentioned before. Both of these experienced architects have a sense of art that make them unique. They have created spectacular structures that will live through
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